The Elizabethan House is an old wonky-floored historic house, constructed in the late 1500s when the Barbican was a thriving port in Plymouth.

Amazingly, its survived through the centuries and the fluctuating fortunes of the times, narrowly avoiding the slum clearances of the early 1900s and the devasting Blitz on the city during World War II.

After undergoing significant structural and strengthening works, the interior was reimagined as an immersive, experiential visitor experience.

The rooms use the latest AV technology, combined with junk shop bric-a-brac, and antique furniture to tell the remarkable stories of the ordinary individuals and families who lived here and were discovered through the archives and census records of the previous 400 years.



Concept sketch design
2D graphic design
3D room set design
Sourcing furniture, props, artifacts
Overseeing manufacturing furniture, props, artifacts
AV Hardware
AV Software
Lighting Design
Casting Actors
Recording Voice Overs
Project Management
Architect & Client Presentations